Chulespe Jmpp

Chulespe Jmpp


Chulespe Jmpp is a communication expert, professor. Lives in Bogotá, Colombia. Specializes in Diseño. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Clothing Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Web Design, Textile Design, Communication, Illustration, Interior Design, Branding, Art, Education. Chulespe is in FOROALFA since 2014.


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Hinchado, largote, chavioso, changote, beloso, manclevo, hijuetoso, esponpredo, pedangoso, chismolo, favelo, barrioso, empalagante, violáceo, amarilloso, jacarandólogo, rioso, oso, canfredongo, kawakiskiss, ped, frikisoso, amorlógologo, cientifioso, y demás excepto ésa.

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Portrait of Chulespe Profe
Chulespe Profe Sep 2017