Sánchez Mercado on From the C-Word to the D-Word (43022)
Dialogue initiated by Joaquín Eduardo Sánchez Mercado in the article From the C-Word to the D-Word
Not all design activities are equal, not all require the same grade of objectivity and racionality, design is not a science, some designs require some grade of fresh fantasy, innovation, emotion, estetic, without lose your feet. Maybe your type of design you are making require more racionalism than others activities, but I canʼt imagine this world if all design were made only for utility functions. A world without emotion, without estetics, without art, without "creativity".
si el diseño es o no una ciencia, es un debate abierto te anticipas al darle portazo, en el libro "las ciencias de lo artificial" puedes tomar nota. el juego, el esparcimiento, etc. son funciones útiles, la diversidad y la riqueza cultural, hay que tener cuidado con la"magia" de la palabra "creación", no sea, que actué en nuestra contra.