Find the best thoughts, case studies, book references, debates and tips of interest for the technology category.
André RicardDesign and everyday's lifeDesigners can make a real contribution to everyday's life quality projecting low-tech objects where the shape itself allows function.
Erik SpiekermannIt’s ShowtimeGood and bad Powerpoint.
Greta SánchezInstagram: Rage for Ubiquitous ImageThe most succesful image social network, beyond predjudices about it triviality, is also a tool that can be used in marketing, visual education and ethnograpic research.
Mariane Garcia UnanueAmbient design and new technologiesNew ambients and spaces go along with habit and behavior changes in people. In this scenario: what is the role of technology?
Ernesto Antonio Santos LeónInformation and Privacy in the Digital EraNew statements are generated with the Internet evolution, especially about data. How is information being handled? What happens to the users' privacy?