A graphic designer, professional, student, with 26 years of experience. Lives in Porciúncula (Rj), Brazil. Specializes in Design Gráfico. Is a student at Instituto Federal Fluminense. Works at Designer. Is interested in Architecture, Industrial Design, Advertising, Urbanism, Communication, Illustration, Interior Design, Branding, Art, Photography. Flávio joined FOROALFA in 2012.
Apr 2014 I like the reply of Marcio Dupont in the dialog started by Julio Teixeira en el artículo
Design Thinking não é Design
Apr 2014 My opinion in the article Design Thinking não é Design
Acredito que o DT esteja se tornando um modismo entre acadêmicos e profissionais da área, é meu ponto de vista.
Apr 2014 I started following: