Find the best thoughts, case studies, book references, debates and tips relevant to the area of photography.
Fernando Del VecchioSome ideas are too bigWe all have ideas. Some have great ideas. What is the difference between an idea and a big idea?
Norberto ChavesDon't Mess with My Design!The interprofessional critique taboo: insecurity, paranoia and corporatism refuge.
Fernando Del VecchioAnd where are the opportunities?Somebody has a problem and somebody has the answer to that problem, but... ¿How can we do to meet this couple?
Fernando Del VecchioThe challenge of communicating valueA question to which creative entrepreneurs have no answer to: the value of their proposal.
Fernando Del VecchioA passion for designWho doesn't want to feel passion for what he or she likes, and loves?
Greta SánchezInstagram: Rage for Ubiquitous ImageThe most succesful image social network, beyond predjudices about it triviality, is also a tool that can be used in marketing, visual education and ethnograpic research.
Ana YagoPurityThe role of photography is still the same: to portray a moment. Real or imagined, the look of the creative is always there, seeing what others will see before shooting.
Eric Barajas (Snok Daffy)Designing for RestaurantsIf you ever have the fortune of working for a restaurant, you will have to think in a different way.
Fernando Del VecchioAbout EffectivenessBeing efficacious entails doing the right things; being efficient, doing them correctly. Being effective means being efficacious and efficient.
Marco RinaldiManagement vs. LeadershipWe don't need to manage the present but we should lead the future.